It’s never too late to start putting your money to better use. Your dollars are depreciating in the bank, and while the stock market does have some risks, the rewards usually outweigh those risks in general. There are many options when it comes to brokers and apps, and I would always recommend you do your own research. However since this is just a beginners guide, I’m going to cut to the chase and make it as quick and easy for you to get started.
I’ll recommend Robinhood to start and with good reason too, they are not too large and not too small of an institution. They’ve been around long enough to have the knowledge and resources to provide the most bang for your buck in this market. Many new similar apps and offerings have come out of the woodworks with very slight differences in what they offer, however since Robinhood has been around longer they get my vote because of their interface and market share as benefits. I also credit them with pushing the bigger brokers to drop their minimum requirements as well as broker fees. It’s the perfect beginner platform for someone who is not ready to go with more traditional big hitters such as Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, or J.P. Morgan. Use the following link/promo code to create your account and receive a free share of a random stock when you finish signing up today! Invest as little or as much as you want. Or feel free to use any of the sign up buttons located on this page.
*This article is for education purposes and is not professional financial advice